Distribution Smart Contract

19,530,000 Beetcoins (approximately 93% of the max supply) will be minted by the Distribution Smart Contract as required for Block Reward airdrops.

The Distribution Smart Contract is a secure contract that prohibits unauthorized withdrawals and precisely controls reward distribution.

It features a mineBlock() function, executable solely by the admin address, which processes the block number and the block winner's address, and subsequently transfers the block reward plus an additional 0.5% of the total Beetcoins in existence from the Fee Wallet.

Block Reward Structure:

  • Initial Block Reward: The initial block reward is set at 50 Beetcoins.

  • Halving Mechanism: The reward amount is halved every 105,000 blocks. This equates to approximately one halving every 364.5 days.

  • Block Reward Timeline:

    • First Cycle: In the initial cycle, 5,250,000 Beetcoins will be distributed (50 Beetcoins per block for 105,000 blocks). This leads to a total of 6,720,000 liquid Beetcoins after 364.5 days.

    • Second Cycle: In the second cycle, 2,625,000 Beetcoins will be distributed (25 Beetcoins per block for 105,000 blocks), resulting in a total of 9,345,000 liquid Beetcoins after 729 days.

    • Third Cycle: In the third cycle, 1,312,500 Beetcoins will be distributed (12.5 Beetcoins per block for 105,000 blocks), bringing the total to 10,657,500 liquid Beetcoins after 1,093.5 days.

    • Last Cycle: After the third halving, the block reward will remain at 6.25 Beetcoins per block, until the total of 21 million Beetcoins are mined, which is expected to occur approximately 14 years after the last halving (the year 2042).

Enhanced Reward Distribution:

  • Transaction Fees: A 0.042% transaction fee on the token will accumulate in the Fee Wallet.

  • Additional Rewards: In addition to the standard block reward (50 Beetcoins during the first cycle), the block winner will receive 0.5% of the current amount of Beetcoins stored in the Fee Wallet.

  • This mechanism ensures a direct reflection of on-chain activity, enhancing token distribution and providing a perpetual reward for miners, even after the last Beetcoin is mined. Beetcoins will continue to be distributed to Miner NFT holders through the Enhanced Reward Distribution smart contract as long as there is on-chain activity generating fees collected in the Fee Wallet.

Last updated